Wednesday, February 11, 2009

C'mon At Least He Admitted It

Look, I don't know why anyone is surprised about Alex Rodriguez admission to taking PEDs. Not only did he play during the tail end of the Steroid Era in baseball, but he played for the team that had the most known offenders. I am a firm believer that this goes far beyond any ONE player. It goes straight to the top of MLB. As a fan, you would have to be blind to notice how big baseball players were getting—and I am not talking about popularity. As the biceps bulged, balls were flying out of ballparks in record numbers. MLB noticed there was a problem, but they also noticed that the seats were full.

Quite honestly if I knew some scrub was taking something to make him better than me, I might consider taking the same substance ( and a few more ) to make sure my status as a player is not trumped, but then again, I am not a major league baseball player. I don't think any of us non-athletes can relate to this issue. In the end everyone involved got blinded by the ultimate performance enhancer—money.

I ask again, where is MLB on any of this. When will they stand by their players, admit guilt and call off the dogs. I look forward to hearing A-Rod's name in the roll call at the first game at New Yankee Stadium.

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