Saturday, February 7, 2009

More from the B.S. Department: A-Rod Tests Positive for PED in...2003

According to a report by Sports Illustrated there is evidence linking Alex Rodriguez to steroids. Again, I said this about Bonds and I will say this about any other player, leave them alone. To be clear (no pun intended) I am not saying it is O.K. for any athlete to use a PED. I just have beef with MLB throwing these guys under the bus and the time and money spent on this entire issue. As a fan, I really don't care what an athlete chooses to put in his body. I think it is the responsibility of the league to keep their players informed on the dangers of any substances. I would not be surprised if their is evidence on even more players. If this is all true — so WHAT! MLB continued to reward these players with huge money and awards while laughing all the way to the bank. Gee, no one thought it was fishy when a career .250 hitter with an average of 15 homeruns a season ALL OF A SUDDEN hits 50??? Im sure these guys took other forms of performance enhancers like creatine (taste great with milk!) in which the results are debatable. It's not all bad.

I know Boston fans are getting their collective vocal chords ready for the A-Roid chants (see the poll on the top left) BUT WAAAAAY A MINUTE, there could also be BIG FLOPPY (Ortiz) chants or GRO-MAR (if Nomar were still a Red Sox player) or P.E.D.roida...not saying any instance has any merit but ya' feel me?

Seriously, can't we all just get a bong?

P.S. Im not a huge Phelps fan but the man did not rob a liquor store...leave the guy alone.

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